The television has been airing an ad for an online dating service for older people. At one point, a woman brightly tells us that it's never too late to find and fall in love.
Yeah, right, I think every time I hear her.
That's because age really has nothing to do with it. Love, however, does.
What I mean is it can be too late at 18, 25, 50 or 90. And it becomes too late when you've lost real love, true love, the love for which you were created.
Your love. Your soulmate.
If you lose them, then it doesn't matter what age you are, its game over. You're done. Oh, you might settle for someone else, thereby ruining their lives, or you might keep looking, hoping to find love again in someone else, but the effort is in vain. Because there truly is only one right love, only one soulmate for each of us. We know, if not right away then eventually, who that person is. And we might lose him or her for any of a number of stupid, bullheaded reasons. Then spend the rest of our lives regretting our choices and decisions and wishing, hoping, praying for a second chance.
If we get it, at least we'll know what is at stake and will be less likely to lose this one-perfect-person-for-us again.
Sometimes, though, the choice, the decision is out of our hands. Sometimes, the love of our lives rejects us for, well, reasons we aren't capable of grasping, or maybe for reasons that seem perfectly logical. But that is the real problem, isn't it? Life and love are not logical. So logic does not apply. Instead, we need to trust in our emotions and take the risk to love and be loved.
If, however, the one we love and were made to love does not want to take the risk, does not trust his or her emotions, then we could be forced to watch them leave, knowing full well that with them leaves our one and only chance to love the one we were made to love, to be with our soulmate, to have and keep that one right relationship for which we were born.
Then, for us, it doesn't matter what age we are. It is too late. Love has been here, and it is gone. Forever.
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