Monday, January 2, 2012


Love is a well that cannot be capped.
Once tapped, love flows from the heart until death, or until there remains no love in the heart.
But you cannot tap the love inside your heart. Nor can just anyone drill into the heart to make love flow. Your will cannot make love surge out of your heart for someone. Nor can just anyone come along and, like a wildcatter, make love burst from your heart like oil from a gushing well.
No, only the right person can make love come pouring out of your heart. And you will know this person because the very sight of them will make your heart beat faster, will make you long to be with them, will make their life and them the very center of your world. You will know by how empty and meaningless life is when then are not part of it, when they are absent or missing. You will know by how thoughts of them fill every empty moment of every day and how thoughts of them carry over into the dreams of the night. You will know by how you awaken every day to thoughts of them and fall asleep each night with prayers for and dreams of them.
You will know them because they are the answer to hundreds of spoken and unspoken prayers and the embodiment of a lifetime of dreams.
Still, the love you have for them remains trapped inside your heart until the day when they lower their drill, and their guard, and let you see that they, too, have feelings for you. For only by being vulnerable to each other, open to each other, trusting of each other can a heart truly be pierced so the love can flow.
When that happens you both are drenched in its warmth and swept away on the emotional wave. But you take that voyage together, hand in hand, until you reach the shore of a life that you will share.
Unfortunately, sometimes one person wants to sail onto this sea of love to find that life while the other does not. Because they are afraid -- to love, to be loved, to share love, to trust someone else for the rest of their life, or because they have been so hurt in the past that they cannot risk being hurt ever again.
That is when the love flows on and on, pouring out of your heart, but offering no solace, no comfort, no peace. Only the ache where the drill landed, where your heart was pierced, where, for a moment, dreams came to life and prayers were answered.
And where, now, there is only the constant gurgling of love, flowing out of your heart and into an empty, meaningless, bottomless-pit of a life.

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