You are beautiful.
Yes, you. You are beautiful. Just accept that, own that, believe that. Because it can make all the difference in your world.
You see, a person who believes they are beautiful is beautiful on the inside. And that brings out an inner glow in them that is unmistakable and unforgettable. And -- now here's the radical part -- once you truly believe you are beautiful you actually become beautiful.
On the other hand, if you walk around in a bad frame of mind -- grumpy, depressed and down all of the time -- then you can be Miss Universe on the outside and you will be increasingly ugly on the inside. And you will become even more ugly as you age. Just trust me on this. I knew a woman who was a true beauty when she was young -- I saw her high school senior photo -- but let her life turn ugly and then let the ugliness consume her through smoking, alcoholism, divorce and an ugly attitude until she was the exact opposite of that early photo.
It can be hard to defeat the ugliness life throws at us. I know another woman who has endured a lot of ugliness in her life, from the time she was a little child until now, as an adult, but wages a daily war against the stooges of bitterness, anger and hatred while also fighting the forces of depression. Because of that, she is able to retain a giving, loving heart and remains an incredible beauty because of the woman she is inside.
Life continues to throw some awful things her way, constantly testing her inner beauty. From time to time she suffers losses in this ongoing war, but she remains constant in her belief that she will not give in to the bitterness and anger that lap at her heels.
For that alone, she is brave, strong and beautiful.
So believe me when I tell you that you are beautiful. Because you are. And you will be even more beautiful the moment you embrace your inner and outer beauty.
Then you will shine like never before, radiating beauty to the entire world around you. And people will notice your beauty and be awed by it and by you.
Which is only the least that you deserve. After all, you ARE beautiful.
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