Tuesday, December 11, 2012


What happens to love rejected or ignored? Does it die? Does it disappear? Does it go into hibernation, awaiting the return of the sunny smile of a lover?
Love, I believe, is like matter and energy -- it cannot be destroyed or lost; it is perpetual. It may change its form, or its location, or its level of passion or depth, but it is forever. But it can be given to another and never returned. They keep it and can either give it to another, or return it in kind to the one who first gave it.
Sometimes, it stays with us because another does not want it. It then can change from the passionate, flowing love to a colder, frozen, listless love that lingers but does not leave, that hibernates within the heart, awaiting the warmth of another to thaw it and bring it back to life.
Of course, not just any person can revive love. Only the right person, the right heart, the right matching love can bring the love in a heart back to life, can warm it back into a passionate state. Others may try, like all of those princes who tried to revive Sleeping Beauty, but only the right heart, the right kiss, the right love can reawaken the love laying idle in a heart.
Whether or not that love comes along and is willing to smile warmly on the heart laying idle and cold is outside the control of the one awaiting love's return. He or she can only wait in hope and faith, for that time to come. And believe the right love once again will come along to revive the love in the cold, idle heart.

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