Saturday, March 23, 2013


Life is filled with delusions.
We delude ourselves into thinking we have all the time in the world, even though we know we do not. We delude ourselves into thinking we can control at least some of what happens in our lives when we cannot even control ourselves let alone what others may do to affect our lives. We delude ourselves into believing things -- both material things like cars and houses and emotional things like security -- and money can bring happiness when we know, in our hearts, what really will make us happy. We delude ourselves into believing love is all around us, that we can love her, or him, or the very next person we encounter, when we ought to know and accept that there is just one person on this planet for us to love -- truly love -- and we'll be eternally blessed if we can find him or her before it is too late. Everything else is just a distraction, an illusion, a mistake.
We accept and live out our delusions, but ignore or forget about life's realities. And we wonder why we're unhappy. We pursue our delusions with all of our energies, while giving life's realities nary a passing thought.
In time, though, age wears down our eyesight and alters our vision. The closer we draw to the end of the road, the more we begin to ditch our delusions and accept life's realities. We begin to realize that life is precious and time has its limits. We accept that we can only control a very small and finite part of our lives and so accept the wild and crazy, amazing and wonderful things that often happen.
Most of all, we begin to realize that love -- real, true, unwavering and unconditional love -- is the only thing that can make us happy. And we can and will love only one person in that way, so we'd better find him or her before time runs out.
We can choose to live a life of unfulfilling delusions until the day we die, or we can ditch the delusions and pursue the realities we know will all of our hearts, minds and bodies. Which do you think has the greatest chance at real happiness?